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    Friday 12 January 2018


    Many people are concerned about what their future would be. Probably you are, even if you are not, you are definitely concerned about the future of others. For instance, parents especially mothers are concerned about their children’s future and they are ready to go any length to secure that future. But, what is a future?

    A future is something that will exist in time to come. It could be success or failure. Knowing this should prompt you to plan well because as the phrase goes, “the way you make your bed is the way you lie on it”. If you want your future to be successful, then you have to plan well but if you want your future to be a failure, then you should forget planning. After all, if you don’t plan life, life will plan you. Now, what plans can you make to secure a successful future? Here are some tips that can help.

    Tips on how to secure a future
    1.       Relationship with God
    This should be the first time that would come your mind. It shouldn’t be taken lightly. There is nothing more gainful that having God’s backing and there is nothing more painful than having his disapproval. Even the Bible says if we commit our ways to God, he will direct our paths. So, whatever you want to do in life, always put him first and then watch how he makes things work out in your behalf.
    2.       Relationship with friends
    Humans are like sponges. They can absorb things quickly. If we tend to make friends with people who have no regard for their future or who are doing nothing about their future, then we will become like them but if we walk with those who are wise, they can be a motivating factor. They can help you to make wise plans that will secure a successful future for you.
    3.       Worthwhile values
    Values are principles or standards of behavior. It is good you have worthwhile values that people know you for. What kind of values, you might ask? Well, you can think of values like honesty, sincerity, diligence, prudence, probity, accountability, morality, kindness amongst others. If you do not have them, then start cultivating them and if you have them already, continue in that routine. Researchers say that people with good behavior tend to think positive about the future and when you think positive about the future, what is expected is to work towards it and it is sure to come true.
    4.       Worthwhile goals
    Setting goals are important. Little drops of water form mighty ocean and a thousand miles begin with a step. So what’s the point? You can’t just rush as if the world is running from you. Be patient and set goals. You can set short term goals or long term goals. And do not procrastinate. If you do, you might not be able to secure that future you dream of. Hardwork leads to success. So set your goals and work towards it.

    Having discussed the tips above, I hope you find this article helpful.

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